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Wednesday, 13 July 2016
final displays of the Lafayette Ramex Delta Mirage 2000N display team RIAT 2016 -superb RIAT 2016 (4)
..aside from the F-35 Lightning II and the F-22 Raptor one of the most popular items at RIAT 2016 was almost certainly the French Air Force Lafayette squadron Ramex Delta Mirage 2000N duo. Sunday 10 July saw their last ever display. I was lucky enough to watch them on the Thursday rehearse and the Friday show..
above; Nico Charpentier pic
Above; credit Rob Yates
This page was last updated on 11 November 2021 and currently features 104 images, the majority of which are in my own collection. You can...
Phantom FGR.2 of 228 OCU, XV428 CC, seen at Leuchars during the first half of 1988. This special livery was applied for the airshow circu...